There is one crucial difference between female executives and male executives: Women can get pregnant, while men cannot.
And so for many a career-minded female executive, the question becomes: Will pregnancy or motherhood affect my ability to be an executive?
Ask executive moms about the whiplash they experience, and you’ll hear an earful. One day they may be getting ready to relaunch a brand or introduce a new product, and the next they may be rounding up costumes for a school play or chairing a PTA committee. But think about it this way: You’re developing diverse skills!
A lot of the decisions you make for you and your family will be influenced by who your partner is and the choices that you make together. Remember, “marrying well” isn’t about finding someone with a thick wallet, it’s about finding someone who has got your back.
In addition to keeping your goals realistic and being able to count on your partner to help shoulder the load, it also helps to operate — or work for — a purpose-driven company. No matter who you are, it’s always easier to successfully navigate both sides of your life when you feel you are a part of something bigger.
Don’t let caring for a child keep you from caring for a career. In today’s workplace, commitment to family and commitment to career aren’t mutually exclusive!